TurfCare Virtual Roadshow 2024
Recorded in November 2024, The highly anticipated TurfCare Virtual Roadshow was another huge success. We were joined by the leading turfcare experts as they presented the latest trends and insights within the industry.
If you would like to view any of the below videos, please contact your local TurfCare representative and we will be happy to provide you with the password. You can get in touch HERE->
Day 1
Dr Cale Bigelow, Professor at Purdue University
Soil Surfactants
Topic: Soil surfactants and plant health – what is real?
Dr Stan Kostka, President of RhizoSolutions
Soil Surfactants
Topic: Is there any value to the “Penetrant” vs. “Holder” argument?
Nick Gadd, RhizoSolutions
New Technology for Fairways & Outfield
Nick Gadd & Tom Malehorn
ProWet Evolve: Research Update
Dr Stan Kostka, President of RhizoSolutions & Dr Mike Fidanza, Professor at Penn State
Water Movement in Soils and Soil Surfactants
Topic: What Does Science Tell Us?
Dr Mike Fidanza & Dr Cale Bigelow
Disease Management
Topic: ProWet Evolve and Plant Health
Dr Stan Kostka, Dr Mike Fidanza & Dr Cale Bigelow
The Turfgrass Rhizosphere
Topic: What is it, and why should I care?
Day 2
Dr John Dempsey & Jason M. Dowgiewicz, Plant Food Company
Anthracnose Reduction
Topic: Research and Nutrient Enhancements
Dr John Dempsey
Microdochium Reduction
Topic: Proven nutritional research to reduce Microdochium
Dr John Dempsey
Thatch Reduction Trial Results
Topic: Up to 45% Thatch Reduction in 3 months
Greg Moore, Plant Food Company
Sources of Liquid Nitrogen and Why it Matters
Topic: When & why to use different liquid nitrogen sources through the 4 seasons
Jason M. Dowgiewicz, Research & Development, Plant Food Company
- Increasing Firmness of Playing Surfaces
Topic: The importance of Soil Chemistry
- Dollar Spot Reduction without a Fungicide
Topic: Rutgers University Research shows 78% Reduction of Dollar Spot utilizing correct nutrient & bio stimulant inputs
Day 3
Rainbird Irrigation
Irrigation System Efficiency and Future Proofing
Rainbird Irrigation
Irrigation Central Control Systems, Now & in the Future
Tony White, TurfCare Technical Representative
Soil Biology
Topic: Holistic systems approach in amenity turf – making your soil work for you
Lew Sharp, Worldwide Agronomist/Consultant Tee 2 Green
Game Changing Bentgrass Options
Topic: Sustainable Greens using 5th Generation Game Changing Bentgrass from Tee 2 Green
Dr Jeffrey Norrie (PhD, Laval)
Understanding The Benefits of Using Seaweeds on Turfgrass